Risk and Vulnerability of Settlements along Transmission Pipelines in Ogun and Lagos States, Nigeria

Risk and Vulnerability of Settlements along Transmission Pipelines in Ogun and Lagos States, Nigeria

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Author(s): Elenwo E. I.

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1822 50 166 11-24 Volume 8 - Jan 2019


Nigeria is a major oil and gas producer and exporter. One of the modes of transportation of these products both locally and internationally is via pipelines transmissions. The increase in demand for settlement spaces has caused more and more persons to seek refuge along pipeline right of ways. Available statistics has shown that pipeline right of ways has remained a danger zone because the physical environment of an impacted area leaves evidences of degradation on the soil, vegetation and loss of lives and property. This research examined the risk and Vulnerability of settlements along the transmission pipelines of Ogun and Lagos States Nigeria. The method of study includes the primary and secondary sources of data collections. The statistical tool used is the factor analysis and vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability assessment considered the loss of lives from explosions or fire breaks resulting from the vandalization of pipelines as well as the vulnerability of the facility or settlements to these hazards. The factor analysis showed 78.1 percent total variance of seven principal factors with eigen values greater or equal to unity. Hypothesis tested accepted alternate, while row scores showed (-19.273) for pair one, (-52.134) for pair two and (-41.273) for pair three, all exceeds the value of‘t’ indicated in the table. Vulnerability assessment also shows that the attractiveness of the facility as a target by pipeline vandals makes the settlements very vulnerable and the level of deterrence or defense provided by government or pipeline owners were not adequate to counter measures adopted by the vandals. The research recommends aggressive public enlightenment on dangers settlement along pipelines are exposed to and the weaknesses of enforcement of relevant laws by government. The study advocates the implementation of the laws on allowable minimum distance between transmission pipelines and facilities or structures such as buildings etc.


Risk, Vulnerability, Settlements, Transmission, Pipelines


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