Nutrient and Anti–Nutrient Composition of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn) Kernel and Pulp in the North East Nigeria

Nutrient and Anti–Nutrient Composition of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn) Kernel and Pulp in the North East Nigeria

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Author(s): M. O. Aremu, Hashim Ibrahim, Titilayo Oluwayemisi Bamidele, Rasaq Bolakale Salau, Francis Jide Faleye, Benjamin Zobada Musa

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1811 121 473 56-66 Volume 7 - Sep 2018


This study determines the proximate, mineral, amino acid and anti-nutritional compositions of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) kernel and pulp using standard analytical methods. The result showed that the contents of crude fat and protein in the kernel are higher than that of the pulp. The only minerals whose values ranged between 40.0 to 200 mg/100 g were P, Ca and Na for the kernel and pulp samples but values of other minerals (Mn, Fe, Zn, K, Cu and Mg) were below 10.00 mg/100 g on wet weight basis. Amino acid analysis of kernel and pulp showed concentrations of TAA (57.92 and 57.48 g/100 g crude protein), TEAA (27.10 and 19.04 g/100 g cp) and TNEAA (30.82 and 38.44 g/100 g cp). Arginine was the most concentrated EAA in both the kernel and pulp samples. Except for the alkaloid, the kernel sample contained higher concentrations of anti-nutritional factors than the pulp. Generally, Vitellaria paradoxa kernel and pulp contained nutritive minerals and sufficient proportions of EAAs however, supplementation of all the EAAs will be required in order to meet up with FAO/WHO dietary requirements. Also the high contents of some of their anti–nutrients may pose a nutritional problem in their consumption.


Vitellaria paradoxa, Kernel, Pulp, Proximate, Minerals, Amino Acids, Anti-Nutrients


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