TG could Modulate FPN1 in MES 23.5 Cells by Hepcidin
Author(s): Li Qi jun
Objective To observe the effects of thapsigargin (TG) on ferroportin1 (FPN1) in MES23.5 dopaminergic cell. Methods MES23.5 cells were treated with TG (0.1 μM or 1 μM) for 24h. the mRNA levels of hepcidin were measured using real-time PCR; The protein levels of CHOP, XBP-1s and FPN1 were measured using western blots. Results CHOP and XBP-1s expression was significantly higher in the TG-treated group than that in the control group; hepcidin mRNA levels in TG-treated group were up-regulated, this increase was to a larger extent in the 1 μM TG group when compare with the 0.1 μM TG group; however, FPN1 expression was significantly lower in the TG-treated group, this decrease was to a larger extent in the 1 μM TG group when compare with the 0.1 μM TG group. Conclusion TG could modulate FPN1 in MES23.5 cells by hepcidin.
Parkinson’s Disease, MES23.5 Cells, ER Stress, Hepcidin, FPN1
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