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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1789
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Volume 7 - Sep 2018
Pharmaceutical manufacturing has largely grown in recent years. This and many other factors have led to the ability of manipulating pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes of administration. One example of such unique dosage forms is Fast Dissolving Tablets (FDTs), which are solid dosage forms intended to be dissolved in mouth in a relatively short time, ranging from a few seconds to up to 3 minutes. In this research, ketoprofen was chosen to be the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in a fast dissolving tablets formulation, being a model of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Ketoprofen is widely used as an analgesic, and being so, the faster the effect, the better the dosage form. Therefore solid preparation of Ketoprofen with superdisintegrants like Croscarmellose sodium, and/or Crospovidone in different ratios were prepared with a view to increase its effect by decreasing the time required for the drug to be released. The ingredients of the formulation were tested for incompatibles by using IR method; all ingredients were compatible. Ketoprofen and the excipients were mixed together and submitted to pre-formulation tests. The powders were then compressed into tablets by direct compression method. The prepared batches of tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, disintegration time, wetting time and in-vitro drug release which tested in comparing with Profenid®. Ketoprofen FDTs prepared showed better results than Profenid® depending on dissolution test. Formula no.5 and no.10 showed the best disintegration times of 30 seconds, and maximum drug release from Formula No 3, 4, 5, 10 about 98% in 2 minutes.
Fast Dissolving Tablets, Ketoprofen, Superdisintegrants, Direct Compression
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