Effects of Nesfatin-1 on the Metabolism of Glycolipids in the Lateral Ventricle of Rats and its Relationship with the Expression of AMPK in Hypothalamus

Effects of Nesfatin-1 on the Metabolism of Glycolipids in the Lateral Ventricle of Rats and its Relationship with the Expression of AMPK in Hypothalamus

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Author(s): Rui-mei Xue, Mi Wang, Hui Leng, Xiang-rong Sun, Luo Xu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1787 48 188 4-7 Volume 7 - Nov 2018


Objective: To investigate the effect of lateral ventricle injection inhibitor nesfatin-1 on glycolipid metabolism and its relationship with hypothalamic AMPK expression. Methods: Nesfatin-1 was injected into the lateral ventricle of the rat by the brain stereotactic technique (nesfatin-1 group), and the sham operation group was injected with an equal volume of artificial cerebrospinal fluid and the control group had no interference factor. The rats were kept for 4 weeks and an automatic biochemical analyzer was used to detect blood sugar and blood lipid levels. The expression of AMPK mRNA in rat hypothalamus was detected by RT-PCR. The expression of AMPKα and phosphorylated AMPKα (pAMPKα) in the rat hypothalamus was detected by Western blot. Results: (1)According to the results of biochemical tests, compared to the control group, the level of FPG and TG in experimental group were significantly decreased (P <0.05), while the level of TC,HDL and LDL were not significant change (P >0.05); (2)According to the results of RT-PCR and Western blotting, compared to control group, the expression of AMPK mRNA and protein level in experimental group were significantly lower (P <0.05) and shown no significant difference (P >0.05) with sham-operated group. Conclusion Nesfatin-1 may play an important role in the process of neuroregulation on glucolipid metabolism, the mechanism may be related to the AMPK expression level of hypothalamus.


Nesfatin-1, Glycolipid Metabolism, AMP-Activated Protein kinase, Hypothalamus


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