Interaction and Effectiveness - Theoretical Approaches in a Teleconference Environment

Interaction and Effectiveness - Theoretical Approaches in a Teleconference Environment

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Author(s): Stefanos Armakolas, Christos Panagiotakopoulos, Foteini Magkaki

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1785 121 441 21-26 Volume 7 - Sep 2018


As 21st century learners, teleconferencing is a tool for modern tele-learning which allows learners and trainers who are at two or more remote locations not only to exchange views or to share data but to actively participate in a dynamic interactive environment, the main feature of which is the collaborative building of knowledge from a distance, in real time. Teleconferencing is a tool that can help provide quality teaching and learning. It creates opportunities for cooperative learning processes with interaction while incorporating all its functions. The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical approaches of efficacy as they can be used with the concepts of interaction and efficiency in the contemporary teleconferencing environment.


Interaction, Effectiveness, Teleconference


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