Impact of Ethanolic Extract of Tecoma stans and Costus afer Leaves on Lipid Profile Status of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

Impact of Ethanolic Extract of Tecoma stans and Costus afer Leaves on Lipid Profile Status of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Wistar Rats

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Author(s): Ini Ekpe, Esua Orok Udosen, Dennis Amaechi, Benjamin Yisa

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1740 113 455 16-20 Volume 7 - Aug 2018


The lipid profile status of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats treated with ethanolic extract of Tecoma stans and Costus afer leaves using seventy (70) male wistar rats divided into five (5) parallel group consisting of diabetic (DC) and non diabetic (ND) groups of seven (7) rats per group. Group I received placebo (Control) Group II received insulin (humulin 5mg/kg body weight) Group II received Ts 250mg/kg Body weight) Group IV, received Ca (200mg/kg Body weight) Group V received combined extracts TS (150mg/kg body weight) A and a (100mg/kg body weight). The extracts were administered orally while insulin was subcutaneously. The treatment lasted for 21 days after which the animals were sacrificed and whole blood was collected for biochemical analysis. There was no significant increase in total cholesterol among insulin, Tecoma stans and combined therapy when compared to NC. HDL-C was significantly (P<0.05) higher in non diabetic group treated with Costus afer and combined therapy compared to NC, insulin and Tecoma stans in the non diabetic group while the total cholesterol levels in the serum was significantly (p<0.05) higher in diabetic control group and those administered insulin, Tc and Ca compared in NC. HDL-C concentration in Tecoma stans and Costus afer treated group were significantly increased (P<0.005) compared to NC in diabetic study group. From the result obtained from the study, it may be concluded that the ethanolic extracts of Tecoma stans and Costus afer leaves has hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective properties and may be able to alleviate oxidative stress induced by streptozotocin in wistar rats.


Ts-Tecoma stans, Ca-Costus afer, Cardiovascular Disease, Antioxidant


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