Detection of Pasteurella Multocida by qPCR Associated with Pneumonic Lung in Pigs Slaughtered in Mato Grosso Brazil

Detection of Pasteurella Multocida by qPCR Associated with Pneumonic Lung in Pigs Slaughtered in Mato Grosso Brazil

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Author(s): Cristiane Silva Chitarra, Daphine Ariadne Jesus de Paula, Johanna Carolina Schvarzbach dos Santos, Ana Carolina Silva de Faria, João Xavier de Oliveira Filho, Marcelo Marques da Silveira, Anderson Castro Soares de Oliveira, Carolina Argenta Pescador, Luciano Nakazato, Valéria Dutra

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896 1692 25-31 Volume 2 - Apr 2013


Pasteurella multocida is considered a important pathogens of swine respiratory system, causing progressive atrophic rhinitis, septicemia and pneumonia in pigs. The aim of this study is to quantify Pasteurella multocida in lungs of slaughtered pigs with and without pneumonia by qPCR technique and evaluate the interactions between bacteria and viruses by analyzing the association and the correlation between them using qPCR, microbiological and histopathological examinations of the lungs. Of the 109 samples collected, 61 samples showed no macroscopic lesions and 48 samples with macroscopic lesions. A total of 45.8% (22/48) of lung lesion group and 4.9% (3/61) of the group without lesions were positive for P. multocida isolation, being the only significant association with the lesion and control groups (p <0.000). Based on the number of copies of the kmt1 gene of P. multocida present in the lesion group (8.25 copies) and in the control group (1.6 copies) there is a significant difference (p <0.05). The qPCR technique for detection of P. multocida was efficient for being more sensitive than the microbiological method, demonstrating that a larger number of kmt1 gene copies is in GL suggest that P. multocida is an important agent in the development of pneumonia.


Pasteurella multocida, pig, qPCR, swine respiratory complex


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