Hazardous Impacts of Open Dumpsite of Municipal Solid Wastes on Soil: Case of M’Ploussoue Park Dump at Bonoua in Ivory Coast

Hazardous Impacts of Open Dumpsite of Municipal Solid Wastes on Soil: Case of M’Ploussoue Park Dump at Bonoua in Ivory Coast

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Author(s): Bongoua-Devisme A. J., Gueable Y. K. D., Balland Bolou Bi C., Bolou Bi B. E., Kassin K. E., Adiaffi B., Yao-Kouame A., Djagoua E. M. V.

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1653 111 423 32-38 Volume 7 - May 2018


In Ivory Coast, most of the uncontrolled dumpsites are open-air and is one of the most common methods adopted. To study the impact of the solid waste on soil, soil samples were collected from the dumpsite of M’Ploussoue Park in Bonoua. The physical and chemical parameters such as size particle, pH, Exchangeable cations, CEC and the contents in heavy metals, were studied using various analytical techniques. It has been found that most of all the heavy metals analyzed contents exceeds the permissible limits in accordance with CCME soil quality standards. It’s conclude that M’Ploussoue Park dumpsite is characterized as polluted site whose the contamination is due to the solid waste materials that are dumped in the area.


Solid Waste, Open Air Dumpsite, Heavy Metals, Bonoua


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