Adapting to Social Change Through Re-engineering the Teacher Training Programme

Adapting to Social Change Through Re-engineering the Teacher Training Programme

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Author(s): Mandoga Edward, Zenda Tonderai

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819 1300 37-43 Volume 2 - Apr 2013


In this research, an endeavour is made to highlight the experience of lecturers at one institution in response to changes brought about by curriculum re-engineering. In a quest to realign itself with changing professional trends in the education sector, Mutare Teachers’ College (MTC) in Zimbabwe transformed its curriculum from being largely content based to competence and skills based. This was achieved through rebranding the curriculum to give more emphasis to teaching methodology than content in its teacher training programme. The discussion is based on an analysis of data collected through questionnaires and interviews from a sample of twenty out of 104 lecturers. The study revealed that the majority of lecturers perceived emphasis on teaching methodology as being significantly related to good performance of the students on teaching practice. On the basis of this observation, the study recommends instituting a more sustained implementation plan to ensure that there is a total buy-in of the new thrust from all lecturers.


Re-engineering, rebranding, teaching methodology, synchronisation, teaching practice curriculum change


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