HCMV Infection Promotes the High Expression of BST-2 in Glioma Cells

HCMV Infection Promotes the High Expression of BST-2 in Glioma Cells

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Author(s): Linlin Wang, Ling Li, Li Yingying, Wang Yu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1620 89 382 106-110 Volume 7 - Mar 2018


To investigate the effect of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) on proliferation and migration of glioma cells and the role of BST-2 in this process. U251 cells were infected by HCMV and the effect of HCMV infection on U251 migration were examined by wound healing assay. The effect of HCMV infection on the expression of BST-2 protein was detected by Western blot. The influence on cell proliferation and migration after down-regulation of BST-2 in HCMV infected U251 cells were detected by CCK-8, cell wound healing assay method. Results reveals that HCMV infection can promote the migration of U251 cells and increase the expression of BST-2. Silencing BST-2 can inhibit the proliferation and migration induced by HCMV infection. These results confirm that HCMV infection can promote the proliferation and migration of U251 glioma cells, and BST-2 participates in the proliferation and migration of malignant glioma cells caused by HCMV infection.


Glioma, BST-2, HCMV


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