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Volume 2 - Mar 2013
In an earlier article, Bohr radius of hydrogen was shown to be the sum of two Golden sections pertaining to the electron and proton. This led to discovering that all bond lengths between same two atoms are sums of two Golden sections representing the radii of the anion and cation, and that the radii of adjacent atoms and or ions in chemical bonds are additive. Subsequently, atomic radii were shown to vary linearly with their Bohr radii obtained from the first ionization potentials. Reported here is a new finding mentioned in the title, for elements of Groups 1A - 8A. The electron is found to occupy a space of its own in the atoms, in support of works on solvated electrons and electrides.
Bond lengths, Covalent Radii, Ionic radii, Bohr radii, Golden sections, Main group elements, radii of electrons, Nuclear radii, Golden ratio
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