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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1541
~ 116
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a 46-51
Volume 7 - Feb 2018
Biodiesel has generated increased interest globally as an alternative to petroleum diesel. Biodiesel burns more completely than petroleum diesel due to its high oxygen content, producing lower emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Biodiesel may however produce high or low nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide emissions, depending on feedstock, engine type and test conditions. The current study therefore sought to analyse emissions from biodiesel blend of 10% (B10) synthesized from tallow, on an on-road setting using an emissions gas analyser on 2.8 Toyota Raider Hilux. The results showed significantly lower emissions of HC and CO with increase in speed, while NOx emission levels demonstrated a linear relationship with increase in vehicle speed. The trends are attributed to road landscape and surface conditions. The results from the current tests are specific to the 2.8 Toyota Raider Hilux tested, and cannot be generalized to other vehicles.
Tallow Biodiesel, On-Road Performance, Emissions, Road Landscape, Road Surface
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