Who is a Suitable Teacher? The Over-100-Year Long History of Student Selection for Teacher Training in Finland

Who is a Suitable Teacher? The Over-100-Year Long History of Student Selection for Teacher Training in Finland

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Author(s): Satu Uusiautti, Kaarina Määttä

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1034 1555 109-118 Volume 2 - Mar 2013


When many countries struggle with finding ways to attract the youth to apply for teacher training, Finland has about ten times more applicants than what is possible to take in. These applicants represent straight-A students. Indeed, constant debate about how to develop student selection so that the best of the best would be selected is going on in Finland. The selection for teacher training has long roots and the criteria have changed along the years, and yet, some themes have lasted unchanged. This article describes the history of selection processes for teacher training in Finland and discusses the significance and development of selection for finding the best persons as student teachers and prospective teachers.


Teacher selection, teacher student, teaching profession, professional development, teacher educator


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