Author(s): Edet Okon Akpanyung, Dennis Uju Nwaokonko, Moses Bassey Ekong, Mfon Monday Ekpo
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1520
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Volume 7 - Feb 2018
Aluminium is a hepatotoxic element that is extensively used in the production of household cookware, storage utensils, water purification and in the preparation of some drugs. Conversely, the leaf extract of Moringa oleifera is hepatoprotective amongst other medicinal and nutritional benefits.The present study evaluated the protective effect of ethanol leaf extract of Moringa oleifera on Aluminium induced hepatotoxicity in male albino wistar rats. Eighteen (18) male albino wistar rats weighing between140 and 180 g were divided into 3 groups of 6 animals per group. Group 1 served as control and was given normal rat chow and distilled water; Group 2 was administered 100 mg of Aluminium chloride per kg body weight whereas animals in Group 3 received 300 mg/kg body weight of ethanol leaf extract of Moringa oleifera and 100 mg per kg body weight of Aluminium chloride by oral gavage. The rats were sacrificed after 28 days of treatment. Blood and liver samples were obtained and used for the analyses of some marker enzymes (ALP, AST, ALT); haematological indices; lipid profile and histopathological assessment using standard techniques. The results show that Aluminium chloride increased the activities of ALP, ALT and AST significantly (P<0.05). TC, TG and LDL also increased significantly whereas HDL showed a significant decrease (P<0.05). The RBC count, Hb, PCV, lymphocytes and platelets decreased while WBC count and neutrophils increased significantly (P<0.05). Aluminium chloride caused alterations in the normal histology of the hepatocytes consistent with observed changes in enzyme activities. Administration of ethanol leaf extract of Moringa oleifera moderated the deleterious effects of Aluminium chloride.
Aluminium, Enzymes, Haematology, Histopathology, Lipid, Moringa
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