In vitro Management of Bipolaris oryzae the Causal Pathogen of Brown Spot of Rice by Plant Extracts

In vitro Management of Bipolaris oryzae the Causal Pathogen of Brown Spot of Rice by Plant Extracts

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Author(s): NIKIEMA Wendyam Fabrice, KOÏTA Kadidia, ZIDA Elisabeth Pawindé, KABORE Koudougou Blaise

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1503 179 632 42-47 Volume 6 - Dec 2017


The antifungal potential of aqueous roots extracts of Securidaca longepedonculata and essential oil from leaves and flowering buds of Lippia multiflora against Bipolaris oryzae, causal agent of brown spot of rice was evaluated. Conidia of B. oryzae (Breda de Haan) Shoem, isolated on naturally infected leaves of the variety FKR19. The efficacy of the extracts to inhibit fungal growth was tested using well diffusion method onto PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar) growth medium in Petri plates. Results were record from the 5rd day until complete growth in control plates. The fresh root extracts of Securidaca longepedonculata (10% and 15%) significantly reduced the radial growth of the fungus with 42.49% and 72.56% efficiencies rates respectively. On the other hand, the dried extracts of the roots of the same plant at 15% and 20% concentrations with an efficiency of 4.81% and 14.44% respectively did not significantly reduced the radial growth of B oryzae. Essential oil of Lippia multiflora at 0.01% concentration significantly reduced the growth of the fungus to 62.64%, and the concentration of 0.1% completely inhibited its growth with 100% efficiency. The present study reveals that there is an alternative to chemicals through the use of local plant extracts that have antifungal properties capable of protecting the rice plant against possible attack of Bipolaris oryzae.


Bipolaris oryzae, radial growth, antifungal potential, Lippia multiflora, Securidaca longepedonculata


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