Author(s): Cícero José Luiz dos Ramos Almeida, Sivoneide Maria da SILVA, Thiago Henrique NAPOLEÃO, Márcia Vanusa da SILVA, Maria Betânia Melo de OLIVEIRA
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1422
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Volume 6 - Sep 2017
Bacillus is a genus of Gram-positive and rod-shaped bacteria that may be facultative anaerobes and resistant to stress conditions in the environment. In view of the physiological diversity of the vegetative forms of this genus, the species are considered as ubiquitous microorganisms, being isolated from soil, freshwater and seawater, as well as food. In the present study, isolates of three species (B. cereus, B. licheniformis and B. pumilus), obtained from an impacted environment (Cavouco stream, Recife, Brazil), were investigated for the susceptibility/resistance profile toward antibiotics by antibiogram (disk diffusion), hydrophobicity by the hydrocarbon-binding method, and ability to form biofilm in different culture media by the crystal violet method. B. cereus was the species with the highest resistance (nine antimicrobials), followed by B. pumilus (two) and B. licheniformis (one). The isolates were biofilm formers, with higher formation in media supplemented with 1% glucose, and all were hydrophobic. This work is an indication that B. cereus, B. licheniformis and B. pumilus appear to possess distinct resistance mechanisms that are not directly related to biofilm formation ability. Further studies are needed to understand better the dynamics of survival of these species in impacted environments.
susceptibility, cellular hydrophobicity, Gram-positive
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