Quantized Phenomena in Astronomy and Astronomic Quantum Theory

Quantized Phenomena in Astronomy and Astronomic Quantum Theory

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Author(s): Yi-Fang Chang

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648 1086 58-73 Volume 2 - Feb 2013


The Titius-Bode law may be represented to a new form . From this we can develop a quantum theory, and obtain the quantum constants of the solar system, and derive the astronomical Schrodinger equation. So many quantities of the solar system can be quantized, and the distance rule is a statistical result of planet evolution. Here Neptune, many satellites, some exoplanets and ten satellite galaxies of Galaxy agree with the same form. Further, there should be the extensive quantum theory, which has different quantum constants but similar formulations. Its mathematical base is fractal. The anthropic principle is derived exactly. Using the geometric average method, three different values of the quantum constants of man, cell and macromolecule may be derived for biological, chemical and physical discrete systems with different scales. Based on the quantized phenomena in astronomy and the extensive quantum theory, quantizations of red-shift and celestial rings, binary stars and some new hypothesis, etc., are researched. Then, the quantum vacuum and the similarity between celestial bodies and particles are discussed. Finally, some problems on the evolution of galaxies, cosmos and so on are investigated from the general relativity and the qualitative analysis theory.


astronomy, quantum theory, solar system, quantum constant, Schrodinger equation, binary stars, ring, vacuum, galaxy, cosmos


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