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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1385
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Volume 6 - Oct 2017
The purpose of this study is to seek answers, and find solutions, to the following questions: How should the house-garden relationship be reinforced for a healthy and harmonic life? Can some criteria be determined for the design of the gardens? How can outer spaces be created consciously? This study examined the traditional houses and their gardens in Trabzon, the main focus being more on the gardens. Some of the peculiar characteristics of the garden houses were emphasized. The house-garden types were grouped and were shown schematically. Each element (gates, fountains, wells + fountains, wells, fireplaces) in gardens was explained in terms of house-garden relationship. The types of garden houses have been also studied from the point of view of the plants. To this end, this study investigates the garden-house and garden designs in traditional Trabzon houses that have come down to our present day, and presents data for the new present-day garden-house and garden designs to be made.
Garden, Garden-House Typologies, Historical Houses, Gardens, Plants, Garden Elements (gates, fountains, wells, fireplaces), Green Areas, Traditional Housing, Cloister
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