Major Reproductive Health and Productive Problems of Dairy Cattle in Selected Dairy Farms in Bishoftu, Central Ethiopia

Major Reproductive Health and Productive Problems of Dairy Cattle in Selected Dairy Farms in Bishoftu, Central Ethiopia

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Author(s): Nigussie Gizachew

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1381 73 244 6-10 Volume 8 - Jan 2019


This study was conducted with the objectives of identifying major productive and reproductive problems of dairy cows in four farms in Bishoftu, Central Ethiopia. A total of 153 dairy cows were studied, out of which, 40.5% (n=62) were affected by at least one of productive and reproductive problems. Overall abortion, dystocia and retained foetal membrane were found with prevalence of 10.9%, 9.3%, and 48%, respectively. The prevalence of retained foetal membrane showed very highly significant difference among the farms studied (P<0.001) whereas the occurrence of abortion and dystocia showed no statistically significant association with farms (P>0.05). Milk yield per lactation ranges from 515 to 7210 litres at Almaz farm and at Genesis farms respectively. The difference in milk yield among the farms studied was very highly significant and the maximum yield at Almaz farm is lower than the minimum yield recorded at other farms. Similarly the mean number of service per conception, parity, mean number of calves per cow and the age of cows kept on the farms were found to vary significantly while the difference in calving interval was shown to be marginal (P=0.07). Linear regression analysis showed that only farms and retained foetal membrane are factors affecting milk yield. In general, there is great variation in reproductive and productive parameters among dairy cattle raised in different farms showing the need for further improvement.


Dairy cattle, Reproductive problems, Productive Parameters, Bishoftu, Ethiopia


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