Application of Stormwater Runoff Estimation Methods in the Case of Faculty of Agriculture Main Campus

Application of Stormwater Runoff Estimation Methods in the Case of Faculty of Agriculture Main Campus

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Author(s): Aydın Özdemir

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1354 202 590 22-27 Volume 6 - Jul 2017


Stormwater management is the practice to reduce the volume and velocity of runoff generated from development sites. Measuring and quantifying volume of runoff associated with land use characteristics is important for sustained practice. This study aims to fill the gap of applying a stormwater management model to quantify runoff volumes in a university campus for flood mitigation. To evaluate the effects of stormwater management practices in a small scale urban setting, we performed modeling using the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) to make projections for reducing overall stormwater flow and flooding during the long-term storm events. Modeling results show that 23% of surface runoff (6,027 m3) was infiltrated. More than 19.000 m3 of water could be stored for irrigation purposes and almost 73.600 US Dollars could be saved annually by these techniques. Results indicate that SWMM holds promise for use at smaller scales in urban settings.


Stormwater management, SWMM, rainfall, surface runoff, campus design, Ankara


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