Analysis of the Effects of Vertical Irregularity on Isolated Structures

Analysis of the Effects of Vertical Irregularity on Isolated Structures

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Author(s): Anthony Quansah, Xiao Zhirong

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1340 233 551 76-79 Volume 6 - Jun 2017


Vertical irregularity tends to have an adverse impact on the seismic effect on structures, but currently, there is the lack of appropriate research on the use of isolation technique to reduce seismic effect and issues related to a weak story. This paper focuses on the analysis of isolated vertical irregular structure in both scenarios of mass distribution and stiffness distribution. Discussion on the influence of shear forces distribution pattern, damping coefficients and other parameters caused by the irregular distribution of story mass and stiffness is made. According to previous works cited and our case study analysis, it concluded that base isolation of irregular structures ensures better seismic resistance by reducing base shear and improving damping characteristics.


Isolated Structure, Vertical Irregularity, Effect


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