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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1338
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Volume 6 - Jun 2017
Pregnant women with medical disorders may associated with multiple changes in platelet indices parameters. It may be arising from hemodilution or increased platelet consumption during uteroplacental circulation. Platelet indices (PI) are a group of derived platelet parameters extracted as a part of the automatic complete hemogram. This study aimed to investigate the potential role of Platelets as a diagnostic or prognostic marker across the disease associated with Sudanese pregnancies. A cross-sectional study was conducted in March 2015 at Port Sudan Teaching Hospital, Port Sudan, Sudan. 40 Sudanese pregnant women with different medical complications were enrolled and 10 well pregnant women were included in this study. In both, platelet count (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), plateletcrit (PCT), platelet large cell ratio (P-LCR) and platelet cell concentration (P-LCC) were done. The pregnant women with medical association in compared with well pregnant women were found to be significant in the MPV, PDW, P-LCR, and P-LCC (P < 0.022, 0.036, 0.021 and 0.040 respectively). In contrast, PLT and PCT were found to be insignificant (P< 0.871 and 0.666). However, platelet indices were higher in patients than in controls except for the PLT and PCT level no changes were displayed. Accordingly, the convincing laboratory evidences in this study show that the usefulness of platelet indices as marker for medical disorders associated with pregnancy. The MPV and PDW are potential markers in the predicting disease severity.
Platelet indices, MPV, PDW, Pregnant women, Port Sudan
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