The Research on Democratic Quality of University Students

The Research on Democratic Quality of University Students

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Author(s): LiuFangfang

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1309 184 572 29-35 Volume 6 - Jun 2017


Democracy is one of the hallmarks of human civilization and a landmark issue in the process of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Improving the quality of all democratic awareness has a very important strategic significance on the development of socialist democratic politics and the establishment of socialist political civilization. Being the future builders and successors of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, college students are continuing momentum of social development and a significant group in the process of advancing the construction of socialist democratic politics which can not be ignored. The aim of this research is to strengthen the importance of democratic construction of student organizations and building a democratic living environment so as to help them to get access to experience of democratic life, thus practical improvement of contemporary college students’ democratic quality and ability can be achieved.


University Students, Democratic Consciousness, Socialist Construction


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