Addition of Green Pepper Enhanced Antioxidant Potential and Overall Acceptance of Beer

Addition of Green Pepper Enhanced Antioxidant Potential and Overall Acceptance of Beer

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Author(s): Chan-Yong Kim, Kil-Su Jang, Oh-Hun Kwon, Su-Gyeong Jeon, Jung-Bae Kwon, Sanjeev Kumar Dhungana, Ji-Hye Mun, Yong-Sung Park, Il-Doo Kim

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1288 263 723 49-54 Volume 6 - May 2017


Beer is one of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverages all over the world. Different studies have been carried out to enhance the quality and acceptance of beer. Various raw materials including herbs and spices have been used as a beer adjunct or flavoring for centuries, especially for specialty beer. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of green pepper on antioxidant potential and quality characteristics of beer. Addition of green pepper enhanced the antioxidant potential and the overall acceptance of the beer brewed with different proportion of pepper without deteriorating its basic chemical properties. Based on the overall acceptance as well as the antioxidant potential, the optimum proportion of green pepper to be added was 60 g in 10 L of water. Results of the present study imply that green pepper could be used as an effective enhancer for antioxidant potential and overall acceptance of beer.


Antioxidant Potential, Beer, Green Pepper, Quality Characteristic


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