Author(s): T. Olivier Amoussou, Aboubacar Toguyeni, Ibrahim Imorou Toko, Antoine Chikou, Mivice Bravo, Issaka Youssao Abdou Karim
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1269
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Volume 6 - May 2017
The effect of geographical origin on the zootechnical parameters of tilapias is very poorly documented, unlike production systems and farming methods. In this study, the growth and survival characteristics of Oreochromis niloticus individuals were analyzed in relation with their waterway of origin, sex and age at experimental fishing. Durung the rearing, the duplicate groups were constituted keeping the 2 sexes (male vs female) separately. Fingerlings were fed using a granulated commercial fish feed (35% of proteins; 3 mm in diameter). Apart from chlorophyll «a», 3 phytoplankton and 5 zooplankton species were also available in the rearing tank. The body weight, total length, standard length, average weight gain, nutritive quotient and survival rate were similar (p>0.05) between lake Toho and Couffo river but weaker at these two waterways than Ouémé river (p<0.05). The ponderal and linear specific growth rates were significantly identical between lake Toho and Couffo river but more important (p<0.001) in these two waterways than Ouémé river. The majority of the individuals indicated an allometric growth (b<3), which is less desirable in fish farming. In short, 2 populations were identified: the group constituted by Ouémé river and the one including lake Toho and Couffo river. It appears important to lead actions (selective breeding, crossbreeding) to improve the zootechnical performances of these local populations in order to promote their aquaculture.
Benin, Oreochromis niloticus, chlorophyll, plankton, aquaculture
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