The Effect of a Mixture of Royal Jelly and Honey on Hematological Parameters in Maximum Weight Training Athletes

The Effect of a Mixture of Royal Jelly and Honey on Hematological Parameters in Maximum Weight Training Athletes

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Author(s): Nazmi SARITAŞ, Serdar Büyükipekci, Sibel Silici, Selcuk Mistik, Timucin Atayoğlu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1222 230 735 28-36 Volume 6 - Apr 2017


To investigate the effect of royal jelly (RJ) + honey (H) mixture as nutritional ergogenic aids, on hematological parameters in maximum weight training athletes, 29 volunteer male students were divided as 15 students in the placebo group (Group 1) and 14 students in the study group (Group 2). Corn starch (50 g/day) was given to Group 1, and 5 g RJ + 45 g H mixture (50 g/day) was given to Group 2, for 8 weeks. The parameters of erythrocyte, leukocyte and thrombocyte were evaluated at the beginning, and at the end of 4 and 8 weeks. The volunteers had maximum weight training (for 2 hours/day, 4 days a week). The groups at each time point revealed a significant difference in Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration, Leukocyte, Neutrophile, and Platelet Distribution Width values at the end of the first month. No significant difference was found in other comparisons (p>0.05). It was concluded that the differences in some hematological parameters could be related to exercise, and the RJ + H mixture that was given did not demonstrate an adequate effect in the administered amounts and duration. Future studies are needed with higher doses and for a longer duration.


Royal Jelly, Honey, Strength Training, hematology


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