Immunohistochemical Aspects on (HSP70) and its Correlation to Clinical Stages, Pathological Grading and Hormones Receptors (ER, PR, HER-2) in Breast Cancer (BC) Women from South of Iraq

Immunohistochemical Aspects on (HSP70) and its Correlation to Clinical Stages, Pathological Grading and Hormones Receptors (ER, PR, HER-2) in Breast Cancer (BC) Women from South of Iraq

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1206 226 580 39-47 Volume 6 - Mar 2017


Breast cancer considered the most common malignancy .Therefore this study was aimed to review the observations and information on relationship of preoperative level of (HSP70) with hormones receptors (ER,PR,HER-2) and the expression of these receptors in biopsies from patients with different stages and grades of disease by immunohistochemical method. In this study total number of (130)cases was analyzed and most patients diagnosed with stage (T111) then (T11)and (T1) with highly significant difference at (p≤ 0.05) and the same results was obtained from classified tumor grading with (BC)patients. The recent study evaluated level of (HSP70) in all (BC)patients ,the data showed highly significant difference and the mean level was increased in (71)case compared to control ,also we evaluated the relationship between tumor staging and grading with level of (HSP70) and data revealed to high level in (T111) patients while no signification between (T1,T3) ,the same results recorded between tumor grading and level (HSP70), hormones receptors expression (ER,PR,HER-2) and its correlation with (IL-6)level was also determined ,the( HSP70) with (ER+)compared to (ER-) with high significance (p=0.00),the same results shown with (PR+) and(HER-2) expression and (HSP70)in all (BC)patients. The role of (HSP70) in (BC) immunity ,carcinogenesis ,cancer pathogenesis ,tumor initiation ,growth and metastasis .Results also explained correlate of (HSP70)with clinical staging and grading ,these findings pointed to an important role in the progression of (BC) at least in patients with advanced disease stages. Data determined that the (ER+)(PR+) positive tumor more reactive with(HSP70) which explained the effect of this factor on hormones receptors. Moreover present study showed little elevated in concentrate of (HSP70) with Her2+as compared with Her2- but with no significant differences,(p=.158).Immunhistochemical staining was used in this study and results showed variable degree of staining Within invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma types compared to control.


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