Immunohistochemistry Analysis for Interleukin-6 Expression from the Tumor Tissue

Immunohistochemistry Analysis for Interleukin-6 Expression from the Tumor Tissue

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1198 503 778 14-24 Volume 6 - Mar 2017


The cytokines including interleukins considered an important component of the body's immunity against inflammatory conditions and cancer diseases, and is an important factor in inducing the symptoms of wasting weight in cancer patients. Therefore, the knowledge and the study of these factors and their impact, production, particularly interleukin-6 gene expression and identification to recognize the presence and production of this factor in the tissues of patients through immunohistochemistry technique and gene expression. The study included 40 samples from different types of malignant tumor biopsy and (7) samples for benign tumor used as control. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis revealed that there was an increase in the production of interleukin -6 which appeared as brown precipitate in the cytoplasm of cancer cell as positive staining , while, the benign tumor tissues (control ) showed negative staining.


IL-6, immunohistochemistry, tumor tissues


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