Effects of UV on Ageing Properties of some Nail Polishes, Acrylic Emulsions and Gloss Paints

Effects of UV on Ageing Properties of some Nail Polishes, Acrylic Emulsions and Gloss Paints

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Author(s): Folashade Olatunbosun Oyedeji, Busayo Abiodun Taiwo

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1190 501 816 22-33 Volume 6 - Feb 2017


Photo-degradation stability of most commonly used nail polishes, acrylic paint emulsions and gloss paints have been investigated. The paints investigated in this study were nail polishes red (17), wine (23, 36 and 92), pink (26, 39 and 80). Lilaic (52), purple (16), golden (43) made by Yimei Commodities co; Ltd and acrylic emulsions 7084 (Pacific Blue), 3040 (Cream) and 9999 (Brilliant White) and gloss paints 7084, 3040 and 9102G (Brilliant White) made by Fine Coat. The Dry to Touch time, weight loss of the paint film, discolouration and structural changes of the paints subjected to UV irradiation in an accelerated ageing chamber were determined at 0, 100, 150, 200 and 300 hours of UV irradiation making use of gravimetry, colorimetry and FT-IR Spectroscopy. Results show Dry to touch time for nail polishes to be less than 2 minutes, 30 minutes for acrylic emulsions and about 60 minutes for gloss paints. Weight loss observed was in the order Pacific blues > Brilliant white > Cream. There was no significant weight loss for the Nail polishes. Colorimetric measurements indicated the reduction in the absorption of visible light and discolouration and loss of gloss was evident in the blue paint more than others. Increase in absorbance was observed for all nail polishes with the exception of Red (17) and the application of Varnish (V45) to the nail polishes inhibited discolouration. FT-IR spectroscopy showed that Pacific Blue 7084, followed by Brilliant White 9999 and Cream 3040 showed most structural changes. There was the reduction of transmission peak at 2900 cm-1, (symmetric stretching of C-H bond), 1823 cm-1, 1731 cm-1 (C=O,) and disappearance of 1625 cm-1 (C=C) and 2925 cm-1(C-H stretching) which was noteworthy. Similar results were obtained for the nail polish. In conclusion, the samples of the paints analyzed were not stable to UV radiation. Weight loss occurred to samples which were treated to accelerated ageing procedures hence, paints aged faster on exposure to UV radiation. Application of varnish onto the surface of nail polish inhibited discolouration and slowed down ageing. Pacific blue paints aged faster than other colours.


Acrylic emulsion paints, Gloss paints, Nail polishes, Accelerated ageing, Colorimetry, FT-IR spectroscopy, Photo-degradation


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