Cardiac Metastases: Secondary Tumours of the Heart

Cardiac Metastases: Secondary Tumours of the Heart

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Author(s): Malia Omale

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1188 300 715 73-77 Volume 6 - Jan 2017


Cardiac metastases are secondary tumours of the heart that originate from primary malignancy in other parts of the body. Secondary tumours are mostly diagnosed during post-mortem examination. However, the incidence rate of secondary cardiac tumours is much greater that of primary cardiac tumours. Secondary tumours are often diagnosed using imaging techniques such as TEE, TTE, CT scans and MRI. In most cases, a combination of these imaging methods is necessary to accurately diagnose the presence of a secondary cardiac tumour. In addition, surgical excision is the primary treatment option of secondary tumours due to the often delayed diagnosis of the disease.


secondary tumour, cardiac metastases, metastasis, primary malignancy


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