Rectus Sheath Hematoma

Rectus Sheath Hematoma

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Author(s): Ugur KESICI, DERICI Serhan

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737 1244 84-91 Volume 2 - Jan 2013


PURPOSE: Spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma (RSH) is a rarely seen event. Complaints of abdominal pain are observed frequently and mass in the abdominal wall are encountered in patients. The most important risk factors in the development of the disease are anticoagulant drug use and coughing. In this case report two patients who did not use anticoagulants, diagnosed with RSH are discussed.CASE REPORT: One of the patients was a 70 years old and the other was a 88 years old woman. Complaints of abdominal pain and mass in the abdominal wall were present in both patients. There was no anticoagulant drug in the anamnesis of the patients. Both patients were followed up conservatively. Patients were discharged respectively on the 8th and the 7th day since there were no complications during their follow-ups.RESULT: RSH is a rarely seen event that should definitely be considered during the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen. Although the disease is generally seen in old patients using anticoagulants, it can be encountered, as such as in this case report, without the use of anticoagulants. The treatment of disease is generally conservative. Since mortality due to bleeding can be encountered rarely, hemodynamic findings of the patients should be followed carefully.


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