Edge-Detection Applied to Moving Sand Dunes on Mars

Edge-Detection Applied to Moving Sand Dunes on Mars

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.251 620 1306 102-104 Volume 2 - Aug 2013


Here we discuss the application of an edge detection filter, the Sobel filter of GIMP, to the recently discovered motion of some sand dunes on Mars. The filter allows a good comparison of an image HiRISE of 2007 and an image of 1999 recorded by the Mars Global Surveyor of the dunes in the Nili Patera caldera, measuring therefore the motion of the dunes on a longer period of time than that previously investigated.


Edge detection, Sobel filter, GIMP, Image processing, Google Mars, Dune motion, Satellite images, HiRISE, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Global Surveyor


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